If JJD is the Folsom Prowler.......

JJD didn't want to beat the shoplifting charge because he did that intentionally in order to orchestrate his own dismissal from the Auburn Police Department. After the 48th verified EAR attack, he may have won the wager so the "Grand Chingon" or some other powerful underground criminal figurehead in California then had to pay him the $1,000,000 or whatever the predetermined amount may have been. My theory is that JJD had so much money in some hidden bank accounts that he did not need to be employed from 1979 until the 1990s but likely performed around two dozen contract murders in order to maintain his skill level and his status atop the criminal hierarchy.

The annual retreat (75 North of San Francisco) in July since the 1800s has to do with more than just fun and games. The fruity old men who attend each year control the banking system, money supply, and the markets and work together to increase their own power while the middle class is made poorer and poorer. But the down votes given my posts about "Bohemian Grove" means that will not share what have learned so far.

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