If a Tinder date is on her phone all dinner (first date) and ignoring you (obviously just wants free food) how morally ok is it to sneak out and leave her with the bill?

The reason I go on tinder dates is because I like my sex to come with a genuine, human connection

But there's still the expectation that there will be sex. What if they wouldn't have sex with you until they believed you loved them and valued them? How long would you wait?

Why is it a bad thing to objectify someone for sex if that’s what they want and they’re a willing participant?

If two adults consent to that then I guess that's how it is, but I'd say it's bad because reckless sex can spread diseases and cause pregnancy before someone is stable enough to handle that.

That's why being exclusively in a serious relationship provides both health and stability where children can be raised happily.

If you are just talking about recreational sex then if your partner consents then ok, but actions like that on a large scale cascade down and effect society as a whole. Disease, medical costs, pregnancy, single parenta, struggle to find babysitters while working, etc.

Do what you want but I'm just saying that there are reasons to focus less on sex and more reasons to focus on find value in someone else and then once you're settled you can have all the sex you want without worry.

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