If you watch illegal streams or torrents then you should read this from Tommy Dreamer

From a man who used to be an uploader at a major torrent tracker, and somebody who lived a piracy life all his teenage years - piracy is bad. I don't condone it at all, not because it's "theft" or "wrong" IMO, I don't condone it because it's disrespectful to the product you are using. Currently I own a STEAM account, which is worth $2000. There is a very big difference between torrenting something, watching it, deleting it and forgetting about it, and feeling like owning something. When you buy a game (an expensive one especially) it's a commitment and a statement - I like the product so much, I feel it deserves to be rewarded. I respect the developer, and he deserves my money. It's the same with any media - wrestling included. This is how you vote for what's good and what's bad - you pay for the good things you like, if you want more of them, and you don't pay for the things you don't like, because you don't want any of them.

I have a personal rule of not pirating music (bless Spotify) or video games, because I highly value both. I tolerate commercials and avoid playing games I'd love, but can't buy (and they are a whole lot). The only thing I pirate without remorse are WWE events, because quite frankly, I'd like to watch WWE (mainly because Русев удря, Русев мачка), but I don't respect it enough for me to buy it. I have contemplated on buying the network, because I'd spent a lot of time in it, but at the end of the day, WWE don't deserve my money, and if the WWE are gone tomorrow, I'd not only not give a flying fuck, but I'd be kind of glad a corrupt piece of shit company treating it's employees like slaves and shits is shut down.

I also thing it's really comic to compare any of this to "If there wasn't a torrent, there would X ammount of buyers more". People who use torrents mainly use them because they don't have the funds to buy the media they want to watch. If there wasn't a torrent, they simply wouldn't watch it, and that's it. Torrents don't destroy developers/content creators - shit content destroys developers/content creators.

/r/SquaredCircle Thread Link - restlingnews.co