If your pets can understand you for one day,what all will you tell them for that 24 hours?

Sierra - Stop biting wires. Some of them will kill you.

Ash - You have two water fountains, one that has nothing but bottled water in it, and two other bowls of water. Drink from them not the sink.

Jackie - Yelling from the other room will not make me turn up the stereo any louder.

Aidan - Staring down the other cats to play is exactly why they will not play with you.

Star - You need to drop the hair tie within my reach if you want me to throw it again.

Harley - The other cats are not chasing you. They are chasing the string you are carrying that is dragging along behind you.

Psycho - Not everyone is your friend. Not all people like cats despite the fact that you love all people. Stop trying to knock them over for a lap.

Eclipse - There is nothing wrong with having a white tip on your tail. Stop trying to bite it off or hide it.

Hermione - He was my man first you know.

Leara - I love you and wish you would stop running if I move around you. I am not going to hurt you. I promise.

/r/AskReddit Thread