If you're a millionaire, the AHCA gives you $50K. If you're poor, it costs you $1,420.

As long as the GOP has some bogeyman to trot out (insert minority group here), and as long as voters accept as fact that [insert bogeyman here] is responsible for their rising health care costs / falling quality of life / etc., they will continue to be able to pass legislation like this and people will continue to empower them.

I don't mean "conservatives" when I say this. I think it's important to try to delineate between "conservatives" whose opinions (probably) differ from mine and are able to have a good faith debate. I genuinely take for granted that our country's political structure was built to be contentious in nature in the name of preventing one group from gaining absolute control from another.

I mean Republicans. They are becoming the most un-American political party since this country's inception. They are trying to take our Republic and make it a theocratic oligarchy. They're butchering our educational system. They're undoing our health care system. They're engaging in legislation that scapegoats the most vulnerable people in their country. I could go on.

But it's time for everyone to call it what it is: the active functioning of a hate group under the auspices of a legitimate political party.

/r/politics Thread Link - vox.com