I'm a grown woman but this is how 99% of my conversations go with my "mother". Unfortunately guilt tripping doesn't bother me since I don't give a fuck lmao

I...I can’t. This is my life today. My mom wants to have my step-daughter over to give her Easter basket and birthday present. I told her that wasn’t a good idea. She said “there are so many people in our town and only x number have it!” ...not how it works mom.

I, like you am, pregnant. I’m due within the month and husband and I don’t want to risk getting sick before getting to the hospital. I can’t understand why parents just can’t be patient like everyone else in the world. The successful hospital experience and birth of my first child is far more important to me (and step-daughter) than instant gratification of presents.

Also! I don’t want to get my mom sick as she has a freaking auto immune disorder. Don’t need her dying before this kid gets here. Faaaaaakkkk.

/r/insaneparents Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it