"I'm not actually a leftist, but here's how The Left should be!"

Jessie Gender made a tweet, not even calling anyone out specifically, telling people to use the #HerNameWasBrianna hashtag in honor of Brianna Ghey instead of #SayHerName because that was made specifically to highlight all the black women who've been victims of police brutality.

Naturally, this has caused Voosh to start shitting and screaming, because he fucking hates black people, especially black women, so of course someone wanting to be thoughtful/conscientious towards black people means "THIS IS WHY THE LEFT CAN'T ACCOMPLISH ANYTHING!"

But I guess it's slightly better than the libs accusing the people pointing this out of being right-wing psy-ops (I'm getting flashbacks to all the black leftist social media accounts that got shut down after Blue MAGA accused them of being RussiaGate spambots back in 2016).

/r/ShitLiberalsSay Thread Link - i.redd.it