Imagine that you win the $1.5 Billion lottery tomorrow. What is your first step to building the greatest wrestling company the world has ever seen?

Fuck building the greatest company ever, I just take the money and support a lot of good smaller companies.

  1. Lucha Underground - Kind of obvious I think. Nothing too big, just paying for additional seasons and funding it's expansion onto international networks. They require what, 20 - 30 million per season, right? So let's say I offer to cover half of every season for ten seasons, that's 100 million dollars, in exchange for a stake in both LU or El Rey. Nothing too unfair, I think.

  2. New Japan - Similar deal to above, only better because the dollar goes further than the yen. Offer to support their expansion efforts in Japan and East Asia, along with improvements to New Japan World by acquiring NOAH's old library, regular good English commentary, increased marketing in North America and Europe. 25 million here?

  3. All Japan, Big Japan, NOAH, W-1 - Get in touch with them and the owners of their respective libraries. Make a deal with AXS or someone else to bring over their tapes as well. Maybe do a documentary style show with say Ted DiBiase or Stan Hansen for All Japan for the archives, or arrange for their special shows to be made available on international feeds, etc... another 25 million here?

  4. ICW, Progress, Revolution - See above, in some respects. Financial support to put on slightly more shows per year, with some support towards marketing and perhaps approaching Challenge TV to consider taking the previous shows ran and televising them in series, with me eating the cost initially until interest hopefully pays off. 25 million here?

  5. SCCW - Don't know what that is? Just me making up an acronym for something I'd like to see again on television: Old school wrasslin'. I'd probably get in touch with someone like Jim Cornette (he of many tantrums) and offer him complete creative and operating control (while on a budget) to run a fed as it would have been in the old days. Live events over television, with slow builds towards PPV payoffs and guys coming in and out for short hot runs. If I could, I'd try to incorporate the NWA into this in a way, perhaps licensing their titles like TNA did early on but not entirely necessary. The idea here is wrasslin', so limited amounts of lucha or puroresu or modern indy style guys, just those who can work in the product I'd hope Cornette can present. 25 million here should stretch for a while, with another 50 million as the extent of my support.

250 million so far right now out of what, 605 million?

  1. I keep the rest for myself.
/r/SquaredCircle Thread