Increase In Deportations In Maryland Since Trump Has Been In Office

It's very clear the white nationalists lead that fight. If you jump on board for other reasons that's great, you're still complicit in white supremacy and they're happy to use you and later discard you. If you're an immigrant and you agree with them you are one horrible person. My Irish grandfather hated everyone and he too was a horrible person. How you could get here and then want to slam the door on others for the opportunity you got to take advantage of is beyond disgusting. Do you think the white supremacists want you here? Or are you a white immigrant so your feelings on the matter certainly colored by an experience all together different?

You're conflating something yourself. It's a civil offense not criminal to be in the country without legal status. A speeding ticket is not a criminal offense nor is being in the country. If you commit a violent crime you are a criminal. Fun fact: immigrants (with legal status and without) commit crimes at same or lower rate, depending on study, as everyone else. You've taken a supremacist talking point that the 'them' are criminal by definition and thereford MORE criminal than the 'us'. If you're not in agreement with them best to not convey their false and racist propaganda in your thoughts.

And if you are one stop being coy about it and proudly proclaim your bigotry. All the nazis marching around these days are loving life. Join up with them, tell them your immigrantion story, I'm sure they'll embrace you with open arms.

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