[Incremental_Games] Liste des jeux incrémentaux 2022

I’ll just comment and add some games I can think of that were missing (or I just over read them, ignore it then)

5 hours until the update - https://dan-simon.github.io/misc/5hours/

Orb of Creation - https://marple.itch.io/orb-of-creation

Crank - https://faedine.com/games/crank/ (might not fit the genre?)

Incremental Mass Rewritten - https://mrredshark77.github.io/incremental-mass-rewritten/ (better than original)

Distance incremental - https://jacorb90.me/DistInc.github.io/main.html (also visit https://jacorb90.me he has a site for every incremental game he made! You can add each individually I think)

Leaf blower revolution - https://store.steampowered.com/app/1468260/Leaf_Blower_Revolution__Idle_Game/

Ordinal Markup - https://patcailmemer.github.io/Ordinal-Markup/

Time Layers - https://patcailmemer.github.io/Time-Layers/

Melvor Idle deserves a spot too - https://melvoridle.com/index_ads.php / https://store.steampowered.com/app/1267910/Melvor_Idle/

The Perfect Tower II - https://store.steampowered.com/app/1197260/The_Perfect_Tower_II/ (there’s a 1 too, but the only link I could find is Kongregate and doesn’t work for me)

The Perfect Tower I - https://www.fs-studios.com/games/perfecttower/ (thanks u/blueturbo47 for finding the link!)

Wigmaker - https://redgem.games/wigmaker/

Peter Talisman - https://petertalisman.quest

Increlution - https://store.steampowered.com/app/1593350/Increlution/

Loop Odyssey - https://store.steampowered.com/app/1814010/Loop_Odyssey/

Progress Knight (rather short unless updated in the past 6 months) - https://ihtasham42.github.io/progress-knight/

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