India's Daughter - The Impatience of Documentary [NP]

Locally or globally, the image of India is based on reality.

No, sir, it is not. While I don't fucking care about global image of India myself, provided with facts I would beg to differ on the premise that it is based on reality.

There was recently a case where man was acquitted and the woman was let off despite filing false charges, that also adds to statistics.

In 2012, the most recent year for which the UNODC has collected cross-country data, there were 24,923 reported rapes in India, or 4.26 reported rapes for every 1,00,000 women. This places India at 85 out of 121 countries for which data for 2012 is available. At the top of this list is a mix of developing African nations and industrialised western nations — Botswana, Lesotho, Swaziland and Sweden. The United States comes in at 16 and Brazil at 18.

Even if you account for severe under reporting, the multiple of 12-15 is just unreasonable. We have a larger population, Indian media reports every case on the front page, which isn't done anywhere else.

Of the cases fully tried, over 40% dealt with consensual sex, usually involving the elopement of a young couple and the girl’s parents subsequently charging the boy with rape. Another 25% dealt with “breach of promise to marry”.

Only 162 of the 583 cases dealt with rape as it is commonly understood.

189 cases dealt with consenting couples. In that, 174 involved couples who have eloped and the parents file a case of abduction and rape.

According to the National Crime Records Bureau 2013 annual report, 24,923 rape cases were reported across India in 2012. Out of these, 24,470 were committed by relative or neighbor; in other words, the victim knew the alleged rapist in 98 per cent of the cases.

See, I don't care about India's global image, if it helps us focus on this problem, so be it, but the image is not entirely based on reality.

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