Thank you kind stranger.

Former semi-homeless guy checking in... I'll spare you the details but my immediate family and I found ourselves without jobs, a home, nor significant savings. This by circumstance happened twice. The first time was with no warning, we had no cell phones and learned the hard way how difficult it is to find work without one. Potential employers want to "call you back" today, tomorrow, next week. They'll call between 9am and 6pm.

As a result we had to leave one family member by a pay phone, the number given to the potential employer while the rest of us put in applications, then rotate so everyone could put in applications. Then the phone call, they want one of the family members not there, can I take a message, no? You need to speak to them? I'll have them call you back. No way to reach the family, hours go by, finally get back, make call, person has left for the day, job has been filled, etc.

On top of that, it was +90F most days, but leaving the phone for shade, for a drink, to cool off indoors means the chance at missing the call.

The second time, we had warning, the first thing we did was get a cellphone. This meant we were able to move around, able to stay together which was a huge boost to morale, putting in applications didn't mean missing potential calls.

My mother got such a call a week later, then my brother two weeks after that.

Once we had money we were able to apply for apartments, guess what, give us your number we'll call you if your credit is approved. Without the cellphone we would be back hanging out under a payphone all day, every day.

So cellphones are a vital tool these days imho, the world is no longer disconnected, certain things that some consider luxuries are actually sometimes necessities.

As for type of cellphone we had a basic Nokia without internet, it cost about the same back then with a contract that last years model of iPhone costs on contract now. And smart phones provide even more leverage such as internet access to further look for work, search for housing, or even find out if it is going to rain today so a plan for shelter can be arranged. Not to mention email which is how two potential employers wanted to contact us which we could not provide.

Sorry did not mean to rant but someone got on my nerves yesterday basically suggesting the same thing, that cellphones are a privilege, a toy, and that no one on welfare, etc. should even be allowed to own one.

TL;DR- Cellphones can be the difference between starving on the side of a road and getting a job. Smart phones can be dirt cheap with contracts, and provide even more resources to get above water again.

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