Inflation numbers are made up

Yeah, I understood what you were replying to. I also read your other post, where you talk about having $1,000 in disposable cash in 1996 without a college degree or any work experience or anything to speak of at all except Daddy's money (no, you didn't pay rent at home with Daddy; no you didn't have to provide for yourself or a burgeoning family with your complete lack of professional experience or skills; no, you don't have a clue what it's like in the real world) and then the post where in the same breath you act like it was all your own skills and work that led to your affluence and had nothing to do with your clearly privileged upbringing. And then you condescendingly say things like "I understand economics better than you"! Do you?! Certainly doesn't seem like it from your posts. I'm like 99.99999% sure I know a lot more about economics than you do, and I'm not even done with my undergrad degree yet. But sure man, you pulled yourself up by your bootstraps.

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