Insane statements I’ve thrown out in casual conversation

There are lots of people who drink "bad tasting" alcoholic drinks just for the effect. I fucking hate beer but i still drink it because it is cheap and is great for giving you a light buzz. I like drinking ciders but i don't go thinking "This is so delicious, all acohol is great"

About the level of "drunkenness". In my experience "alcohol is alcohol". If you drink it you will get drunk, i haven't seen what i feel when drunk change depending on the liquid that got me drunk. It's all the same to me.

I think you undervalue peoples Intellect. Everyone who has tasted pure acohol knows that it doesn't taste good. They don't "forget" that fact when adding juice to it for the sole purpose of making it taste better. Also when you get "drunk" the taste of the liquid you drank 5 minutes ago doesn't matter to you at all. I have drank vodka without anything else added to it, got drunk and had a great time. When i was having that great time the fact that that vodka tasted bad didn't matter to me.

I think a drug should be valued by it's effects on people and not it's taste when being consumed. What does it matter if people try to make it easier to drink?

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