Inside the Klu Kluk Klan (2015) A British filmmaker is granted unrestricted access to the KKK and tries to find out what they are about.

White Knights of the KKK

White Knights were onlyu one specific group of Klansmen, not the majority.

beat to shit by the Mob back in the 60s or they would still be at it today

White Knights are around today.

Before then the KKK was an insurgency that did hundreds of lynchings, burning including churches killing many across the South

I know that. What does that have to do with any modern Klan today?

They were terrorists in the definition


doing everything they could to fight and disrupt the U.S. Federal Government from robbing/disrailing US Trains and US banks to outright ambushing troops and killing Northerners

Today they are comprised of meth heads and cops.

The KKK was much like the Iraqi Insugency after the US Invasion

Not at all.

The same disbanded army formed ISIS.

Unrelated to the Klan.

The same disbanded CSA army formed the KKK.

The Klan used to be primarily Democrats, and they're actually the KKKK, with four K's. That's Knights Of The Ku Klux Klan. Of course, you obviously knew that, being a scholar on the subject.

If the KKK had half the devotion or balls as ISIS there would be an army of Dylan Roofs

That klan are not the people you need to worry about. White Nationalist skinheads are who you should fear. They usually hate the klan, and then sure as shit hate you.

Dylan Roofs

You've obviously never heard of Combat 18.

Something I believe most KKK wet dream over every night, just like ISIS does dreaming of taking Mecca.

You say things that sound intelligent, but stink of ignorance to anyone who knows better. I don't blame you for your ignorance, only for your arrogance.

Would you like to learn more?

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