Installation by Australian arts group 'Snuff Puppets'(!) is called 'Everybody' and has four acts: everybody’s born, everybody cries, everybody s***s and everybody dies

I’ve never seen something that looked precisely like it but I’ve seen art that’s very similar to this visually and has the same themes and messages. All I meant was that it’s depicting a bodily function in a pretty simplistic way without all that much unique or interesting about it. I won’t try to argue it’s not art, because it is regardless of whether I like it or not. Besides the effort of constructing the set it doesn’t strike me as something that a lot of thought went into though. Maybe the full performance has a lot of interesting and unique moments that didn’t get clipped for this post.

Also when I mentioned Shakespeare in the park I meant it more as a comparison to something they might have otherwise made. I meant to say that they didn’t create a modern day masterpiece or anything that would be like the equivalent of Shakespeare. I get that there’s nothing creative about putting on a centuries-old play without changing anything just like (to me) there’s nothing inherently creative about just depicting a bodily function with giant puppets.

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