Noah please hurry

I understand where you're coming from But kids don't act sexually on purpose, if they do then they've likely been groomed into it and that needs investigating.

They do not know the meaning of it or what they're doing - they just see people doing it online and want to copy it as a cool new dance move.

An adults warped mind is what sexualises the children (not in a taboo way - but a concerned way) and trust me - I am guilty of looking at my 14 year old niece and thinking "she dressed provocatively - I'm not okay with this, she's a child" but she doesn't know that - she just likes the clothes and wants to dress that way.

My warped adult mind is being overprotective of those kids because unfortunately, I am no longer innocent. My innocence is gone and I know exactly what adult men, and women are capable of.

Let kids be kids, and try to put those thoughts aside, I understand it comes from a place of concern, but let them keep their innocence.

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