so fucked up i hate this world

she stabbed her alleged rapist to death while he slept, just a few hours after he raped her. we are not dealing with a situation of self-defense, as the threat of bodily harm was not imminent.

to those who object to any legal consequences for her actions, what is your ideal legal standard in the case of revenge killings?

for example, let’s say you are beaten to a pulp and robbed. after you regain consciousness, you find your assailant sleeping around the corner on the street. should society permit you to stab your assailant to death while he sleeps?

if yes, what level of harm do you think must come to a victim before we allow them to engage in acts of vengeance that lead to someone’s death? would it be enough if a victim is punched 4 times? what about severe verbal assault? also, how does time factor into this for you (e.g., could you kill your assailant 3 days after the assault? what about 3 years?)

right now, the legal distinction is you can only use deadly force if you are facing imminent bodily harm. what do you propose the legal distinction should be?

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