Encouraging obesity as a “healthy” lifestyle

I’m a bodybuilder, I’ve been in the gym for 5 years bodybuilding. Before that, I boxed, so I frequented gyms for around 8 years. I’ve never seen anyone straight up judged for their weight in the gym.

I’m sure it happens, but it’s definitely not as common as many people who fear going to the gym think. When I see someone who’s overweight in the gym, my first thought is “Damn, good for them!”. Gyms aren’t dominated by “thin people”. There’s a mixture of all types of people: overweight, underweight, bodybuilders, powerlifters, etc.

What’s negative about the cover is the way that it’s portraying obesity. It’s limiting because it may help someone feel afraid of going to the gym in fear of being judged. Just look at one of the articles mentioned on the cover!:

“4 ways to respond to unnecessary encouragement”. Most people don’t talk to eachother. Nobody really cares, they just do their own thing. The problem is that people who DON’T go to gyms don’t know this fact, and it paints a negative picture for gyms.

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