The people who get these ideas in their head are just PERVERSE and rotten to the core...

we are past the point of intervention to reverse global warming.

They've been saying that for the past 20+ years, if not longer. I remember one overly dramatic documentary said London would be under water by 2012/2014.

They also said we would get severe storms that batter the coast and erode our coasts 10 years on after the above mentioned years. - to the point that it would put immediate towns in danger along the coast.

Neither of which has happened, David Attenborough was on that train too back then.

This is why I remain sceptical of it, I'm not saying that we should continue with the current factory trends, but the debate is pretty evenly divided on the subject.

I do think businesses that require factories will become more and more efficient as time goes on. Again, that's a personal opinion based on immediate observation, I'm definitely no expert in that field.

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