Inter-season Re-watch Week 2: S3E8-S3E14 and Pretty Dirty Secrets

Watching from MonA=BigA in Radley POV:

308 Stolen Kisses

When you apply logic to the show, dang, it really ruins it. Seriously, okay I think almost the entire show is in Mona's head, no deaths, we don't know the couples, etc, but that just really comes clear when Meredith with a history of mental illness gets a job at Rosewood High. Hello: Hell NO! Not even in Taliban-run areas would that be a possibility. Nowhere. Doesn't happen.

But it seems clearer now why it happened: Mona's stupid fantasy world allows "criminally insane" psychos to get jobs and live normal lives, or "be functional" in ANY WAY as long as they "take their meds". BZZT! Wrong. No. Criminally insane is a black mark that wouldn't allow this pipedream to happen in any universe. I'm sorry: this shit's fake as Hell. Keeg's right: it's so painfully clear in-our-faces. (I hate saying Keeg's right).

Everything in this episode is Mona, too: the password to massugar or whatever TF only fucking Mona knows. Fabulous. I guess at least we get the Keeg/Troian fight where he enters, gives Hann the hand, and demands Spencer unclog the toilet demands Spencer stop keeping secrets: "I'll go find my own plunger!" "I'll get my own answers." (LMAO: let's see, we should be in October 2011, and he became a cop in November 2011, so I guess he did.) I do feel sorry for the paranoid criminally insane, but I sort of fear IF they go this route, Marlene could say all viewers would have been deeply involved with the revenge porn of a paranoid insane person, so don't complain, and that makes me feel creepy. But this just isn't real.

Wren scenes

I'd hoped Wren scenes (among others who might also be at Radley) might be real, but even these could be Mona town-pumping herself about her doctor, evil Wren, being unprofessional and incapable. From the first 308 Wren scene to the last! I'm sorry, but that a psychiatrist/doctor would just spill all a patient's deets with a 16 year old makes Ezra/Aria so tame it's unreal. Mona not only fantasizes Wren acting unprofessionally (notably, to keep the story "all about Mona"), but his pleading with Hanna to keep Mona around those who love her (bet Hanna never even visited!), and that kiss?! DUDES! NO!

This new way of looking at the show took and re-watching Wrannah (Wren/Hanna?) is just Mona deluding herself about being loved, and about how incompetent Wren is. Now, at best, I feel I can trust ONLY "Wren/Mona scenes." (The one in 4x10; are there more?) And the Wren/Mona scenes tell you nothing.

And then Caleb jealous of Wren? No... Caleb wouldn't look at Hot Grandpa sitting with his mid-teens girlfriend and feel "jealousy". (But I guess that's legit in Mona's mind: she's made her doctor "Super Creepy Doctor Frankenstein!")

Crush the Mona Monster

I'm seeing one thing better now: Mona's psyche cast Caleb to be the genius hacker, who has always hated Mona as much as Mona hates herself, and who sees Mona for the monster she thinks she is ...but in "crushing the Mona monster", Caleb's actually helping Big A. I wonder if he's a doctor at Radley that Mona semi-trusts, so she put him into her PLL fantasy as Hanna's boyfriend (even Mar called him the perfect boyfriend, if I recall!)

Anyway, Mona self-hatred now (about 3 episodes before she's "better now") puts a new light on Spencer's A txt "Mona's almost gone, Hanna's next." It probably means Mona's Big A psyche is taking over Mona's "mind", and probably that Hanna was going to be Big A's next (imaginary dollhouse) target, which happened in S4, and even moreso in S5.

Nate/Em's night conversation at the Hanna shrine

Takes on new meaning for me: "Are you responsible when you do something terrible if you're drugged? Something you'd never normally do?" And Nate's response is "It's you, even in a dream." <--- meaning Mona's psycho fantasy world/dreams proves (to Mona) that "A" is who Mona is: irredeemable. And THAT explains why Mona gave them massugar: so Caleb would have to break in with the motive to "break Mona". Mona hates herself; Caleb can squash that "loser Mona" aspect of her personality ("original A").

Real Crazy Train!

There are so many references to Spencer stealing and being a burglar that I think Spencer's some kind of clepto "outside of Mona's head." Which is actually sort of cool. Wasn't that Iris in the books? To make a main character one of A's devotees is, Dangerous stomping ground, imo.

Isle of the Dead: well since I think the show's Mona's revenge porn, it doesn't bother me at all that Aria's catching Fitz in lie after lie, LOL. I wonder if Mona's mind is setting up Ezra to be 'the evil boyfriend Aria deserved' (he really SUCKS in the books too, btw), or if (totally off the wall) Mona heard of a death in Rosewood and incorporated Ghost_Ezra into punished-Aria's life. That's freaking me out a little. But maybe the painting (and Ali's reaction to it in S5) is just fluff horror meant to "cast Ezra" as the pedo teacher looking for his young teenage love, Alison. (Because in Mona's world, nobody can say 'no' to Alison).

tl/dr: 308 is Mona fantasizing about killing off any good left in her (as MonA) by making someone else (Wren this time!) to blame.

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