Do interiors matter to you?

Yeah they do. There are far too many open world games with cities that contain thousands of building, but less than 20 of them are actually enterable, and the enterable ones are usually only for missions. Now-a-days there is nothing unique and innovative about basing your game on a real world location and placing a lot of cool looking empty buildings.

If you really want to take the next step in gaming, you would create an open world with every building enterable. And don't copy and paste the same interior 100 times and call it innovative. You create a unique interior for every single building in the game.

It would truly be the next step in the open world genre if a AAA developer could create an open world with every single building enterable and provide unique interiors. The world would feel far more alive and real. But knowing the developers now-a-days, such a game is very far away, if anyone will even try to do it.

/r/GTA6 Thread