I feel so lost (software engineer->"manager"-> ?)

"I have so much else to offer in regards to other skills I have developed in terms of strategy, project planning, etc."

If you don't want to be grinding Leetcode, it sounds like you should find a way to do an MBA or some type of master's. You'll get a lot of the book skills and be a more viable candidate for a larger corporation for IT management or other product management roles, with much more autonomy to move jobs afterwards.

Lower level devs don't do strategy and project planning much so your extra skills don't translate into extra competitiveness for dev jobs. If I was hiring, I wouldn't want a dev who wants to do these roles unless they're getting fast-tracked to management. It also sounds like you just got unlucky in your first product management roles.

Generally, talk to more people in the industry. Startups are more likely to be doing those kinds of project based interviews, rather than grinding code. Look there. Be warned that it'll be more work though.

If I were you, I would just grind more leetcode, tbh. But that's totally a personal opinion/decision. Since you're not the "cream of the crop" as you say, it's hard to be choosy.

/r/findapath Thread