The Interview Gauntlet

I don't know but interviews are seemingly getting longer and worse through the decades. Older lower level blue collar semi retired with member of family working at Google:

blue collar getting a job at Home Depot took on line test. Two weeks later to get a 30 minute phone interview from Atlanta. Another two weeks to get a personal interview with wrong interviewee at local HD. She failed to call back as promised. Meanwhile got a job finally locally, twice the pay. One month later HD calls to say I am hired!! (Forget about it!)--

then there's the genius CS grad. Interview half day with FANG type comps over two weeks to a month (with help from recruiters) paid for trips all over US. Usually pleasant half day interviews with various heads of departments. Several offers, picks plush one at G. Finds that team at G is over 60 people, only 2 are women. G is trying its best to hire minorities and women but ... if the heads of teams are mostly men even though HR is usually female? Still takes "genius" over a month to get a job. Whatever happened to seat of the pants hiring and firing?

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