What keeps you going in life?

my grandmother raised me and my sibling since we were both born. She took care of us all throughout our childhood and so my sibling and I both had an incredible relationship with her; she was my favorite person in the world until she recently passed away.

Right around the time she passed my wife and I gave birth to our first child. Not to get too cheesy, but the whole 'circle of life' metaphor really sunk in as I said goodbye to my former "favorite person in the world" in my grandmother and I now get to watch my current "favorite person" grow up. What keeps me going is that I want to have the relationship with my child and ultimately become a grandparent to my child's children in the way that my grandmother was to me. Essentially, I want to continue to build relationships with my offspring, and that's what keeps me going.

/r/AskReddit Thread