Interviewees, what was something a employer said to you during a interview that made you not want to work for them?

I have a job like this! The only thing that is keeping me there is that it actually started out as a volunteer hobby and they created the position specifically for me. It is for our local government. I am allowed to claim 15 paid hours per week; anything over that is considered volunteer time.

Additionally, just last week I started a new primary career that sounded amazing in the interview, but I am quickly finding out is definitely not the job for me. It is doing home integration for the "elite 1%". The technical side seems easy enough to catch on (basic IT-style work), but the training, and all the needless daily paperwork (for Christ's sake there are three complex time sheets and a time clock), and five systems we must log into to do our job. The whole HR/Corporate end of things is so convoluted and complex it is amazing anyone gets anything done there. Hell, we have to track our time out in the field to the nearest minute, and cannot work more than 40 hours.

The entire week I was thinking to myself "all this paperwork, time tracking, and computer systems can easily be replaced with a single off-the-shelf software solution". I have already found many ways to make the company far more efficient, but it seems to be the time of environment where if I speak up about it, I will get fired.

I am trying to hang in there, hoping things will get better, but I am also actively looking for a better career only a week into this one.

I just want to clock in, go do the work that needs to be done amazingly well, and clock out. At this place, I feel like I am completely overwhelmed and bogged down by the corporate BS that I am already miserable.

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