The Iron Man trilogy is the only MCU trilogy to have at least one scene of the protagonist directly saving civilians per film.

Probably not, I really don’t think a moral on the dangers of drinking to be to outside of Disney to produce. They’ve touched some really complex and decisive topics fairly well with minimal of any backlash overall. Marvel knows how to spin.

No, the drinking was cut from Tony’s character after the first Ironman because it was one of the stipulations that RDJ had in committing to the character longtime, he didn’t want to do an entire complex arc in hitting rock bottom at the bottom of a bottle. Too close to home.

They subtly address this in What If…? tho, so it’s entirely possible the story line finds its way into the MCU in some fashion. Maybe.

Any way What if proved they don’t care too much to see a character drink excessively, since in an episode Tony is seen drinking almost constantly. Like he’s almost never on screen without a drink in his hand. It was only one episode, but they didn’t forget the potential plot thread.

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