Got it..."Mood swings, ramped up anxiety, short temper. Stuff like that."...well, I certainly don't have "the right answer" or anything, just my experience of feeling that way occasionally and what I found that works for me when I do. First, I figure that periods like that are just part of being human so I don't have to make a big deal of it or consider it a problem I have to solve. It's just "my turn". I've always taken the advice of doubling-up on my participation in AA. Call new guys. Give them rides. Buy them books if they need them. Even after 25 years sober and doing the deal, I still get low-grade irritable, restless and discontent when my life and mind are too much about me. If my mind is on you guys, my life just floats along mostly and I'm in the zone. If my mind is about me, I get a "something's missing" feeling...even when life's great.

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