Israeli Air Force dead accuracy on bombing Hamas weapon cache near a mosque in the early hours of the morning (sent in by a friend)\_FZx8

Oy bubaleh, you are so misguided it is almost cute. The messages are not to "arab kids" or "palestinian kids".

Did i say they were? The fact kids are writing messages on bombs is wrong to begin with.

Nice try. But there is nothing wrong with palestinian kids training to defend their homes.

Actually, there is. You know, that little thing called the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict. Interesting, if you look at and chose non-state armed groups, lo and behold, Hamas is listed as using children in armed conflict! Surprising, isn't it?

There is a difference between being a child soldier and attending a military themed camp.

I also don't see why i should care or what you are trying to prove.

Imagine if i said JROTC was US kids training to kill Arabs?

Des JROTC teaches children that their objective is to "rip out the hearts" of their enemies?

Who cares? They will blow up Arabs regardless.

And don't throw "whataboutism" around when you came up with the whataboutism first. I was never talking about Hamas. I was talking about Israel. You said "but what about Hamas".

Pro-tip: whataboutism is all about context. In the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Hamas is very much a participating factor. L

Hamas was irrelevant to my original point. I didnt talk about them. You pointing to them was completely irrelevant. You cant go "what about Hamas" anytime someone mentions Israel.


No need to sign your posts.

Says the JIDF employee

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