ITAP of my bf using a flatbed scanner!

I don't like political correctness, but I am going to say this anyway so you possibly don't to this again. The light that is emitted is part of the electromagnetic spectrum. Scanners were not made for you to scan your face. If you scan your face with certain scanners you will possibly make yourself blind or have eye sight problem.

Second point, NEVER NEVER NEVER scan your eyes with a laser beam. You will permanently and irrcovably damage your eyes and could make yourself blind permanently.

I usually personally usually stfu (shut the fuck up) most of the time, but this time as a scientist, biologist, please do not scan your eyes again with a scanner and NEVER NEVER NEVER scan any part of your eyes with a laser or laser beam. Sorry just had to say something here.

Anyway nice picture. If you want a nice picture again please do it with a camera not with a scanner and certaintly not with a laster one. I don't want you going blind.

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