I don’t like how the moms use Abby’s weight as a weapon.

It’s kind of wild how Christi is the only mother who’s reflected on that and regretted it. Even in the other mothers podcasts it’s never even been touched that maybe some of their behaviour was out of pocket.

I do agree that they hit below the belt because all the fights always happened so fast. I also think at the time they really just thought she was mean and was proud to be mean. This whole “she’s a narcissistic abuser” thing only came out and was reflected on after the show ended so they’re only “defence” against her calling their kids washed up and stupid was taking a jab at her weight. It’s terrible too, but atleast Christi (who was often the main perpetrator of that with Kelly) has regretted it and addressed the harm publicly.

/r/dancemoms Thread Parent