IWillDominate responds to community criticism and asks CLG fans to support CLG

well a lot of their early game which has been their biggest strength has revolved around strategy so I wouldn't say they are lacking in that department. To their credit, their early game is only matched by TSM this split. Even C9 can no longer hold that over CLG.

They've definitely improved since their last split collapse but when the call for CLG to go above and beyond is sounded, its almost like its never heard.

As I told a friend, better for CLG to do well in the regular split and be shit in the playoffs than for them to be shit in both. Ending 3rd in the regular split isn't too bad. Very disappointing they went out the way they did but alas, it happens. Next split CLG, next split.

They need a sports psychologist imo if they haven't gotten one yet. The nerves get to them too much and are unable to play to their full capacity as a result.

Not to insult TL because truth be told, they outplayed CLG at almost every turn; no one can say CLG choked but they definitely tilted after that game 1 and that is a huge worry for them. Tilt has always been a major problem for any CLG roster and they seem no closer to handling it.

Spring Split 2014. They dominated game 1. They were dominating game 2 until Link with his throw. Tilted very hard in game 3.

Summer Split late collapse. First playoff game against Crs was going well but they got too hasty and tried too hard to make a play and they were punished as a result. Tilted for the next 2 games more or less.

Spring Split 2015. They were doing well with their split push strat in game 1 against TL til Link threw (dammit Link, the recurring theme here is mad tragic :). Game 2 saw Xmithie tilting pretty hard, Game 3 saw everyone beginning to tilt.

At this rate, CLG may never see the stadium lights of Worlds ever again...

I don't want to hop on the whole Xmithie/Link needs to get benched train but something definitely must be done to fix their psychological problems as well as their gameplay mistakes. This was the strongest iteration of CLG we've seen since last year. Slowly but surely they are looking stronger with each passing split but are unable to go further than playoffs. Will it take a drastic roster change?

Aphromoo is an incredible clutch support player. When he gets rolling, he doesn't stop. Period.

Zion is a very good top laner. Probably top 2 this split. He was the only one in the quarters against TL that legit seemed a threat in 2 out of the 3 games. No way you drop this guy. Also his attitude seems to be great.

Doublelift. Who can you get to replace Doublelift exactly? All the other ADCs you'd normally consider are taken by teams already and Rush Hour is normally hailed as the best bot lane in NA (realize I said LANE, not player) so there is no way you want the synergy between Aphro and DL go to waste. Also, Doublelift whenever he feels up to do solo q, normally peaks at the top of the ladder. The only player who has done better on the ladder than DL is WT. To push this case further, DL has held the number 1 spot in solo q already for the season (he is number 4 now since he is climbing his smurf account). Basically, the guy in terms of solo is cream of the crop and in competitive has become a more reliable player this split. Won't carry games like he would back in Season 2 or 3 but in this meta, you just need your ADC to do damage when he can and he has most certainly done that.

Xmithie - He never brought any mechanical plays to CLG since his inception into the team. A lot of his playstyle is more Crumbbz-esque in that he focuses on vision and controlling the map, which along with Aphromoo has been the primary source of CLGs early game for a majority of the split. Everything else in his gameplay lacks when compared to the other top junglers in his region and that is a worry. It might be worth looking for other junglers to replace him if Xmithie has reached his skill cap. I've seen no visible improvement in the areas he lacked on since the start to the end of the split.

Link - Sigh, when Link is on point, he is on point. For the first 6 weeks of the split, he played very well. He has earned props even from Bjergsen. his presence in CLG has been undeniable as he has topped the 2nd on the scoreboard for kills for mid lane this split. We all know he is a capable player as far as MID LANE TALENT IN NA goes but his constant throw of games for CLG in tense situations has more than not been the downfall of his team on several occassions and the reason why this subreddit has thrashed on him ever since summer split.

HSGG decided to give him another go and to be honest, he looked very good in the beginning but alas, the playoff curse for Link is too strong. He either underperforms or throw games, both of which he did against TL yesterday (and to be clear, everyone else on CLG underperformed for the most part in some way). As I said for Xmithie, might be worth looking for another midlane player to replace him.

CLG should take some positives from this split. Not all was hopeless and there is definitely a capacity for greatness in a few of the players right now but that will depend on the support of their staff, playes and as always, the fans, who time and time again are disappointed by abysmal playoff performances but still choose to rally with their boys anyway. I don't mean those fairweather cocks who jump on the hypetrain and then are the first off of it when they fail and flame the team they claimed they supported... No, the true CLG fans who no longer get angry over their team failing time and time again but can put aside their disappointment and support them the next split and the one after that. You guys are the real heroes for the team. The real '6th' player on the CLG roster.

It'll be hard but since when success is ever easy? TSM didn't just make a couple roster changes and they were the best suddenly. Their improvement was gradual. Ofc, good roster changes had to be made but it was done. Will it be necessary for CLG to move forward from this? Most likely but in the end, its up to the coach and players to fix their weaknesses and further their strengths if they ever want to play at Worlds.

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