This is the first deep field image we've received from the James Webb space telescope. These are all galaxies. The entire image is the size of a single grain of sand held at arms length. We are not alone.

what personally fascinates me is the possibility of us living in a distopia and others having it way better without us even knowing.

I mean no, im actually fairly certain.

also as a computer science student I really wonder how computers made by other intelligent lifeforms work, if they chose the same rough logic as in ALU, microcode and Memory or if they have something way more clever..or primitive? think about it if theres computers on on other planets they might have something like video games (targeting perhaps other senses than light) oh god all the possibilities drive me nuts.

and you could think about this with any aspect.

If intelligent, how did they deal with WMDs? perhaps in this universe WMDs are the solution to the Fermi paradox.

maybe most civilisations had their own Hitlers and Putins...

maybe it's simply not possible for intelligent life to get rid of their primal aggressive traits that lead to supremacy and intelligence.

I wish there was a way to know more but certainly not in my lifetime.

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