Jagex be like...

There was a thread that basically said that all the investors, CEOs and managers have jack shit idea how to make a fun game and are instead focused on return on investment or just plain have no idea how to run a company or dev team, from the very beginning.

This honestly feels like that. I bet the devs however dedicated they are also have severely limited ability to make new content. Remember the Bloodweed > wergali harvest glitch? That shouldn't happen even without QA because the harvest should be inherently linked to the planted ID, and it only happened when you healed the patch which raises even more red flags.

If it was because legacy code, then the problem is that they're so focused on creating new content that they don't fix fundamental programming errors and misdesigns which means they're digging themselves a deeper hole with each update.

Otherwise they're just plain incompetent which is just as bad.

Either way, this points to Management and Corporate not having oversight on internal quality, meaning that literally nobody there has ever programmed a day in their lives.

(They also say they have an "Agile" development style and all I have to say is that it's only for start-ups that have little legacy code to deal with, not a system with a backlog of little bugs and bad design.)

/r/runescape Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com