Jdance comes clean about his botting past, reflects, looks forward to the future.

As long as there are leaderboards or other metrics for measuring one player against another, some players will become very competitive over the leaderboards or the metrics. It's like Diabloprogress back in Vanilla, some people were all about having the top damage on those charts and crap - spending billions to get that last piece to get them right on the front page, even if it didn't mean anything at all outside of being on the top of those damage charts.

Nowadays, with GR keystones being progression gating, and bounty mats being the easiest way to try to optimize one last piece of gear, botting is a distinct advantage - people who are competitive and aren't morally opposed to cheating, cheating to them is another tool to gain an advantage.

And players that are morally opposed to botting, they might see botters having a distinct advantage over them (never having to spend any hours of actual play time to grind keys/act bounty mats, and an extra 15bn+ xp/hr at all times when botting). These people have it the worst - even if they are opposed to botting, they'll feel like shit knowing botters have such an advantage, and if they themselves try botting, it is more like botting out of duress or necessity, and they'll feel like shit because they're compelled to do something they are opposed to doing. Players that hate botting just get hit with cognitive dissonance over seeing botters getting away with it, while they don't want to bot (but might end up feeling compelled to in order to stay competitive).

But as long as there is at least one thing that compares one player to another, there will be some players who view it competitively. Some won't be opposed to botting and they'll bot. Others will be opposed to botting and feel bad about having to compete against people with an advantage, but they'll never bot. Yet others will feel like they need to bot to compete (when they never would have botted in the first place if botting wasn't giving such a noticeable advantage).

/r/Diablo Thread Parent Link - youtube.com