jessa's statement via instagram

I almost wonder if JB and Meech didn’t tell the other kids it was CSAM and just told them Pest was in trouble for porn.....and many of the older siblings are either too dumb to google or are triggered and just don’t want to look into it further than what they’ve heard from the parents? Also, I didn’t even know Til I read it here yesterday that in order to view CSAM you have to download/access a completely other web. It’s not like all regular porn sites just have that shit accessible. Do the Duggars+ think that any non-Christian heathen out here viewing porn is browsing CSAM between regular stuff? I’m just baffled and scrambling for why both she and another family member would post about condemning porn like there’s no difference between that and the actual abuse of young children. How are they not enraged and spiraling at the idea that their children may have been harmed?? Screw praying for pest while he walks through a difficult time. What about the victims difficult times? Also I’m positive Anna at the very least was keeping Josh’s secret for him.

Otherwise, screw you Seewalds...

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