far right doesn't understand the excitement about movie about healing intergenerational trauma and parents learning to let go *shocker*

You should watch it.

I'm in a weird position because my person is the child of Asian and Latino immigrants and is weirdly conservative. Like, socially adept in liberal circles but unfortunately disposed to go down rabbit holes of piss and vinegar about privilege or feminism, even while acting like a feminist and recognizing that his white wife goes about life both more dangerously and more comfortably than he does. Defining these things is just hard.

Obviously a lot of media is hard to parse between us.

But EEAAO was one of those entrancing things that caught him in his memories of immigrant parents, trying to be an adult while wrestling with his identity, all while his parents needed him. Better, it has respect for both parents and the sacrifices they've made. We have a lot of nights up in arms about one movie or the other but between this and Crazy Rich Asians, we can both end a movie night in tears in a purely wholesome way.

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