Are you familiar with the “black wall church” phenomenon? Where I come from this kind of church that looks like a club tries to appeal to young ppl who usually don’t want to be seen as too extreme on their views, but are just as conservative as the others. Is she on a hunt for a ring before spring?

I know I'm late to this, but I was in that club, too. I was raised in a mixed-faith household, Buddhist and Christian, and I honestly think a big part of the reason I always gravitated more towards Buddhism is that nothing's really permanent in it. Nirvana kind of is, I guess, but even then you could always become a bodhisattva and reenter samsara (the cycle of rebirth) to help others. Hell exists in the tradition I was raised in, kind of, but that's also not permanent--you just might get stuck there for a bit until you work through some shit.

It's really very reassuring to me, the combination of the idea that some part of me (but not a recognizable one) will continue forever, but not always in the same place or in the same way.

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