He left a tract. Do we think this is a real $20 tip tho??

Eww. The fact she’s just smiling all big and shit. Idc how brainwashed you are, it’s always always always fucking rude to leave religious shit in lieu of a tip. She probably thinks he’s the most caring and coolest and the most godly guy ever. I work doing housekeeping in a huge tourist town and nobody tips ever, which is fine I don’t even expect it at this point, but I fucking rage when someone leaves me this shit as a tip. It’s not doing a service to anyone, except people already in the cult. It’s just to make them puff out their chest and feel like they’re doing something good when they’re actually being a shit person. I’ve never seen or heard of anyone, in my 25 years of being a hardcore Christian, becoming a Christian because of a tract. Even my pastors taught they don’t do anything.

/r/FundieSnarkUncensored Thread Link - i.redd.it