TTW - I have questions

It’s very common. I used to work in ministry, specifically aiding the executive pastor which means I was one of the three people in the church who knew what giving looked like for everyone in the church. Without fail, the ones who gave the least and rarely volunteered had the most negative shit to say about everything all the time. It was VERY hard to keep my mouth shut and not throw it in their faces that I knew how little they gave in tithes and offerings despite their constant clucking about everyone else’s “leeching” or whatever.

Funnily enough, it was the people who had the least to give that gave consistently. To the point where my pastor/boss had to occasionally mention from the pulpit “we appreciate your generosity but if you can’t pay your bills please let us help you rather than making donations at this time.”

That church had a lot of problems and some shitty beliefs, but I am glad that there was zero pressure for folks in dire straits to give.

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