Joe Rogan Experience #1512 - Ben Shapiro

Quite a few but I’m not totally sure about the statistics. In my experience addiction is the number one cause and underlying mental illness is typical for drug addiction. Then there’s the severely mentally ill. People who just stumble into it aren’t super uncommon though and I would imagine there are significantly more of those cases with our current situation. Homeless people are often very good liars. I hate saying that but it’s true. I love them though because they’re always interesting to talk to and often good people. My wife used to be afraid I was going to be killed one day because I always engage with them. I remember this one kid in Seattle who I passed twice in one day told me two completely different stories of success and downfall. I’m not the guy who doesn’t give them money because they’re lying and they’re just gonna buy drugs. I’ve been there and it’s hell. I give when I can.

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