John Oliver Tells The South Exactly Where It Can Stick The Confederate Flag

The only thing I hate more than the people arguing for the Confederate flag as not being a treason/slavery symbol is the group of people who have hijacked the issue and are claiming "You know, Ol' Glory (US flag nick name) is considered the Confederate flag to Native Americans"

The United States of America did a lot of horrid shit to the native peoples of north America. I am not downplaying that fact.

The issue I have is we didn't write subjugation into the founding doctrines of our country. Did we live up to "All men are created equal"? Far from it.

That being said we have that example which we are forced to push our society to live up to. Kicking and screaming we drag ourselves closer and closer to that ideal.

The Confederacy was founded specifically to subjugate the Black populations of North America. Read it for yourself.

The entire document is written as an argument for their right to enslave and subjugate an entire race of people. That is the founding document of their "country".

When we ended slavery we sure as shit did not end subjugation. It took another hundred plus years to fix the legal protections gap which was existent for so long.

That being said, our country had the ability to improve. The Confederacy was founded by slave owners for slavery and for the subjugation of black people as slaves.

America did a lot of terrible shit but we were not founded on the basis of subjugation or to harm people. Terrible humans in the seats of power did those things and to judge the country as an idea for those actions isn't right.

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