June is also Men’s Health Month. Love y’all

Thank you You have know idea how much I needed to hear this. Man I'm trying to type while tears flow down. I have been talking to my pop who passed 6 months ago. He was recovering from a stroke the year before. Me and pop are close and he still my best friend. He's a great person who always helped others.

His birthday was on the 24th of may with mines was three days later. Now fathers day is coming. My father is the reason I didnt give up when I first dealt with some health issues. He showed me how to be strong and I'm so thankful I got to be his son.

I know this might be a bit much but I really miss my pops. I can't help but feel that he lead me to find this so hear this right now.

/r/MadeMeSmile Thread Link - v.redd.it