Jungle changes be like

jungle is unbelievably impactful. The issue with jungle isn't not having impact is that the impact is entirely determined by bot and mid. One jungler will be full clearing and taking objectives while the other will be trying to gank losing lanes while falling 3 levels behind since he can't farm and gank. And lets not even start on how junglers ganking vs supports roaming is like pulling up to a race in a bike vs a Ferrari. And then there is so much shit with jungle like 1) buff catching up xp. Now there is no such thing as lead and you are not being rewarded for having one. 2) nerf the jungle xp or change it. Now the jungle is back into lvl 3 invade and perma gank meta so practically half the champs with weak early are not playable. Honestly i believe they should make it so the dragon give a very small buff or just gold and activates the actuall buffs after 2 dragons or 20 min so bot and mid prio don't pretty much insta win the game or pray they fuck up their leads

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