Who do so many of the parents/moms of 90s kids seem to be narcissists?

I just wonder why you felt the need to comment on this as if you were an expert when you clearly know, nothing as with narcissism, One of the key factors is that they value their social reputation incredibly highly and will try to maintain it at all costs, yet you said that is not because narcissist are just self involved, as if that is not the same thing. What is your goal why are you commenting on all of these posts when you have no expertise in criticizing everyone else for not having expertise, you have less than expertise you have absolutely no familiarity with what a narcissist actually is and yet told me I was wrong when I listed the attributes of a narcissist despite not knowing yourself what an narcissist actually is.

Are you actually a troll, are you actually a narcissist who thinks that they’re an expert on a field when they’re not? You keep commenting on this post and you won’t let it go, which is a need to feel right as if you are a narcissist, my goal is to get the answer to figure out what the purpose of this says, your purpose seems to hear yourself speak.

So you can maintain the fact that you lost by not actually providing any evidence that what you said is wrong, or you can just admit that you were wrong and you don’t know what a narcissist is and you were speaking out of your ass when you said that is not what a narcissist is because you don’t actually know what a narcissist is.

/r/NoStupidQuestions Thread Parent