What I think your gaming drink of choice is based on your main

According to this List my gaming drink is a mix of

21,43% Diet Dr. Pepper

16,66% Redbull

11,9% Black coffee

11,9% Beer

11,9% Water

9,52% Apple Juice

7,14% Room Temp Milk

4,76% Boxed Wine

4,76% Cum
0% Earl Grey

I normally only drink Water and tea, on parties a bit of alcohol, but I immediately went ahead, bought the ingredients for this, mixed it all together, and drank it.

Holy moly maccaroni, you sir are a genius. This is the best drink I've ever had. The flavors come together in such a nice way that my tongue dances tango.

This godlike recipe for my personal best drink immediately made me go berserk on the ladder and crank out 32 games in 8 hours. Sure I lost them all in 15 minutes, but what do I care, since my brain is swimming in the ecstasy of caffein, teain, taurine and sugar.
The front of the Dr. Peppers spice sends electrical shocks straight to my brain, followed up by the intense mix of sugary and bitter flavour gushing around my mouth carried by the coffee, beer and redbull. The Water cleanses it all away, giving room for the milk and apple juice and reminding me of my childhood dreams, of becoming a league of legends pro athlete.
The Boxed whine shows me how I have aged, and with maturity, comes responsibility, so when we dive towers and all die, I can feel great for having tanked the longest and setting it all up.

Last but not least, the cums saltyness makes me want to go for another gulp, as it creates a small sense of dryness in my mouth, and being a bit sticky and slimy, I want to flush it all away, and take another sip, while I queue up in my next ranked.

Thank you /u/maxymu for changing my life

/r/LeagueOfMemes Thread Link - i.redd.it