Still waiting on that Kayn skin though

Sure, if that's what you truly believe is happening over there. For a long time, CCP has a history of "choosing" candidates for everything. It's "the people's republic" because they vote, but the candidates are CCP. I have family who survived Tiananmen massacre and they know many who used to work with them in government. You seem to lack a real understanding of the corruption there. Of course they will say these things, because they must. Just a cursory google search shows this from last year. It's always just a matter of how well hidden it is. More and more information is becoming leaked about Huawei, WeChat, other Tencent subsidiaries. When Blizzard kicked that pro player for saying "free Hong Kong", their apology wasn't to the people or fans, they apologized publicly to the CCP for not responding strongly enough (and Tencent only had a 5% share of Blizzard). I guess I ultimately can do nothing more than sound like a conspiracy theorist, but after living there and from what all my family has seen, I just think you're naive to assume anything there works in reality like it says it does on paper.

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