‘Jurassic World’ shows just how weird product placement has become - The Washington Post

Right. I mean, the point of the film (other than DINOSAURS RAAR) was good-old-fashioned corporate hubris, just like in its predecessors. The first film treats the dinosaurs with reverence and awe, and the notion of controlling them is portrayed as unfathomable and ultimately impossible. Hammond is a fool to even attempt to control them, so majestic and untameable, dyno dyno burning bright / in the forests of the night, etc. etc.

In Jurassic World, they're tamed. And branded. And corporatized as fuck. The first thing crowds see when they get off the boat are ads for the various resorts. The first thing that's on the TV when the kids get in their hotel room is an ad for the island's golf course. Huge crowds of bored-looking tourists shuffle through long lines; there's a Starbucks and a Margaritaville; Samsung sponsors the research lab; children ride saddled baby dinosaurs; big crowds gawk at dinosaurs eating goats and sharks. The entire park is hypercommercialized and hypercorporatized, with absolutely zero respect for the fact that these are living dinosaurs. That's the hubris of it all, and brand logos everywhere in the park add to the sense that the park is an artificial marketing creation--which it is, which is why it ends in disaster.

As for the other ones mentioned? C'mon. "This company purchased Mercedes-Benzes for their corporate fleet! A lady has a Samsung phone! A character drinks a Coke! That would never happen in the real world!"

Yes, those businesses obviously paid for that placement. But the placement is done naturally, so who cares? Brands are everywhere in real life; everyone who saw the movie almost certainly saw the Coca-Cola logo fewer times in the two hours they were in that movie theater than they did in the two hours before or afterwards.

/r/movies Thread Parent Link - ashingtonpost.com