What was the happiest and darkest moment in your life?

One in the same. A few years ago, I was in an automobile accident for which I was not at fault. My sternum along with several ribs were cracked, and the metacarpals in my right hand were shattered. I was told that I would never get use of my right hand back. As someone who was right hand dominant, played classical guitar, etc... This was all very tragic for me.

However, the wreck was due partly to major highway construction that wasn't properly maintained for safety. As the surgeon was explaining to me that I may never use my right hand again, all I could think about was the impending lawsuit and how I would possibly not have to work for a bit. My mind was racing with all things I could finally accomplish in my free time and I had never been so happy as an adult, despite the circumstances.

In the end, I worked really hard, went against a few doctor's orders and eventually got more than 90% mobility back in my right hand. The lawsuit didn't yield some outrageous sum, but I've got a respectable nest egg now. And to boot, the time off while healing made me realize that I didn't miss healthcare (I was actually kind of relieved I didn't have to return to my old job.) and gave me enough of an extended vacation to redirect my career focus to something I enjoy much more.

/r/AskReddit Thread