Just because Itzy opened up about their hardships in their "letter to fans" video doesn't make them any different or special or validate their empowerment concept as even more genuine.

So if I had a breakup, I talked about it, and people should just straight up tell me that it wasn’t special, everybody been thru this, toughen the fuck up - I mean, yeah I know that, but it’s me who’s sad right now, why would I give a fuck about how many breakups there were in the world?

It was special because it aimed at the exact issue each member had, it wasn’t generalized as OH WE HAD THIS AND THAT, BUT WE WERE TOGETHER YADA YADA. They didn’t come across as being super blurry. Me as a fan knew exactly what they were talking about, that’s what was empowering. Lia’s performing, Yeji being too bottled up, Ryujin’s weight and girl group issues, Chaeryeong’s looks, and Yuna being too rigid about other people’s thoughts. As a fan watching them going thru all those, I didn’t even have to guess before they opened their mouths to know what they might be talking about. That’s what was special to me as a fan. All the time I see them happy, I know they are being criticized for exactly what, and fuck they got an interview to talk about it directly. And fuck it hurts listening to Chaeryeong saying people are just mean sometimes, because as a fan, we knew how long people have been calling out on her looks. That’s what made this thing so special to watch for me.

It was marketing for sure, I didn’t like the song, maybe div 2 pulled out an emotional card to keep the fans around. But just maybe, Kpop is something more than selling songs and performances. What’s not to sell on this earth, as if others aren’t publicizing their emotions enough to make money. Wouldn’t lie, this summer my biggest chuckle came from Entanglement. The point is, sure idols and concepts are products, but there is a human behind that mask. And we sometimes do feel connected to the person behind that mask. So many groups out there and I chose and liked ITZY. They are special to me, and them acknowledging the EXACT problem they had - how is that not empowering?

But of course, anybody hyping it up to an another level isn’t very rational, I doubt, on any issue.

/r/unpopularkpopopinions Thread